About Us

“Welcome to our place. You will find happiness and food here. ”

The Best Cafe

We believe that nothing is useless. Therefore, as far as your eyes can see, all the decorations have their own stories and tales, they have been handpicked and gathered from all over India. The Café De Den hopes you will feel like you are in a different century and a different time where the arts would thrive and generate amazing stories as you dine and enjoy the antique decor.

Best food

best quality

Perfect place

We Serve Delicious FOOD

With finest Quality of healthy and natural product with healthyrecipes with good organic vegetable and special baked item we are serving with live kitchen.


At Dessert Den, we produce the best custom-made delicious cakes for any occasion since 2011. We decorate cake which is an art and we possess expertise in the same.

Varieties of food


Our Gallery

good food, good mood.

Our Team

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi.
Alicia Boyde

Alicia Boyde


Jake Plotter

Jake Plotter

Head Barista

Jennifer Chapman

Jennifer Chapman

Staff Manager